Review Aplikasi Carousell – Snap to Sell, Chat to Buy (Bahasa Indonesia)

Carousell adalah pasar komunitas yang memungkinkan Anda Membeli dan menjual segala sesuatu dari fashion, pakaian, aksesoris, produk kecantikan, furniture, seni, buku, barang-barang bermerek, mobil, sepeda, dan barang antik untuk rumah. + Rapikan lemari Anda, kamar, atau rumah barang lama dengan menempatkan mereka untuk dijual di Carousell sekarang, itu adalah tempat terbaik untuk menemukan rumah baru untuk produk Anda pra-dicintai.

Review di ambil dari Appstore :
Very Helpful!
by dyahayu-k
Sooo easy to use, berguna banget buat yg mau jual barang2 prelovednya.
by @audrysimanjuntak
for admin I can’t sell my things to any brands like Mango,H&M and F21.
Da best
by Lazareus
Sangat baik aplikasi ini terutama alternatif untuk jual beli barang

Review di ambil dari Google Playstore

Joshua Mathew

Lags at important times Imagine reaching a meetup location and the app hangs. The whole point of the chat to buy feature is to not give out phone number but more than once i reach the location and the app hangs, unable to see messages. So how am i to communicate with the seller/buyer and we’re both left there in a lurch. I like the concept of the app and it’s very useful but more quality control and less disruptions will be better

Clara Chua

I’m a Catholic and hate lying…Carousell is a bad app for shopping… One should not use at all… Money scammed… E-mailed the authorities of Carousell… No respond from them as they treated not serious… About me black list people, they then take actions and suspended my account… Because of this, I’m furious… This is nonsense… They should not keep this running anymore… Unless Carousell authorities can return my $500 for all the scammed transactions that I used to make and unsuspected my account, I’ll recommend to everyone…


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